My CDGA Caddie

CDGA Social Competitions Entry Information & Policies

If you plan to participate in any CDGA Social Competitions event conducted by the Chicago District Golf Association, it is important that you read the following information. It is your responsibility to know the rules and regulations concerning participation in CDGA Social Competitions.

CLICK HERE for the Local Rules and Terms of the Competition for 2025 CDGA Social Competitions.

All players must be properly attired both on the golf course and the premises of the club. Jeans of any color, T-shirts and tank tops are prohibited. Collared shirts must be worn and shorts must be mid-thigh lengths. No cut-off or jean shorts are allowed. This dress code is in effect at all CDGA events in conjunction with any additional dress code restrictions of the site hosting the event.

Award ceremonies will be conducted at CDGA Social Competitions. It is encouraged that all players and/or teams who win a trophy or gift certificate stay to accept their prize.

Code of Conduct
Contestants and their caddies are reminded that, at all times, appropriate golf etiquette and dress is required. Any abuse or disrespect of fellow players, officials, host, spectators, employees, or other persons conducting or attending CDGA sponsored or conducted events can be grounds for immediate removal from the event and denial of entry for future events. Such abuse or disrespect may be verbal, physical or threat thereof, and includes but is not limited to the use of vulgar or obscene language, as well as physical damage to property or equipment of any of the persons set forth above or the hosting facility. Contestants may be subject to penalty for breach of the CDGA Code of Conduct Policy as permitted by local rule adoption 5I allowed in Rule 1.2 (b). A Code of Conduct breach is determined at the discretion of the committee. Code of Conduct breaches will compound over the course of the year.

Model Penalty Structure:
  • First breach of the Code of Conduct - warning or Committee sanction.
  • Second breach - general penalty (two-stroke penalty).
  • Third Breach or any serious misconduct - disqualification.

Conditions of Entry
The CDGA reserves the right to decline any entry. All entries submitted to the CDGA must be completed and include the entry fee for the event. In order to be officially entered into an event(s), the online entry must be received in the CDGA office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the entry closing day.

The CDGA conducts a comprehensive Social Competitions schedule for active members of the Association. Entrants to any CDGA Social Competition must be amateurs and may include those who have fully regained their amateur status via the USGA. Class ‘A’ PGA Professionals are ineligible for CDGA Social Competitions. Any entrant in a CDGA Social Competition may be asked to provide proof of amateur status at any time. Please refer to the website for a detailed description of each event, including eligibility requirements.
CLICK HERE to view the CDGA Social Competitions Schedule.

Rule 25 - Modifications for Players with Disabilities – All players are required to meet the eligibility requirements for each Championship. Players wishing to utilize Rule 25 must provide the CDGA with the following 14 days prior to the qualifier or championship.
Event Information & Procedures
Group Requests/Player Changes

Non-Metal Spike Policy
The CDGA will honor the non-metal spike only policy that is in effect at various host clubs. All contestants will be notified with information regarding the club policy on non-metal spikes. The information also appears in the event descriptions as well as the entry blanks.

Practice Rounds
The CDGA does not require the host qualifying site to provide a practice round for contestants in any CDGA Social Competition. The decision as to whether a practice round will be available is at the discretion of the host site. If a practice round is available, each contestant is responsible to contact the host site and pay for any practice round(s) they wish to play.

Push Carts
Push Carts are allowed at all CDGA Social Competitions, unless otherwise stated.

When the field for an event is full, please follow the waitlist prompt during the online registration process. Follow the steps and reserve your position on the waitlist. You will pay to reserve your position on the waitlist. A full refund will be given to anyone on a waitlist who does not make it into the event. Entries are placed on the waitlist in order of time and date received. When you finish the registration process for the waitlist you will receive a confirmation email with your position on the list.

Withdrawal/Refund Policy
Individuals who have entered a CDGA Social Competition and wish to withdraw for any reason MUST notify the CDGA office in writing. Withdrawals must be emailed to Withdrawals submitted in writing to the CDGA office at least 7 days prior to the event will receive a full refund, minus a $25 administrative fee. No refunds will be given for withdrawals submitted less than 7 days prior to the event.

Chicago District Golf Association
11855 Archer Avenue
Lemont, IL 60439